Developer Helper 1: Phil & Dave's Excellent CD
Excellent CD HFS.raw
Apple File Exchange
AppleFile Exchange Translator
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Text File
253 lines
Unit AFETrans;
{$LOAD MacLoad.L} MemTypes,QuickDraw,osIntf,toolIntf,packIntf,macPrint,script;
{* translator routine commands *}
trn_Init = 0; { do any translator routine initialization }
trn_Finis = 1; { do any clean up and disposal }
trn_Get = 2; { Return current status }
trn_Set = 3; { Set current status }
trn_Active = 4; { User has requested item be checked in menu }
trn_Inactive = 5; { User has requested item be unchecked in menu }
trn_NewName = 6; { If recognized, return new name for selected file }
trn_File = 7; { If recognized, convert the selected file }
trn_Recognize = 8; { Return NoErr if selected file is recognized }
trn_Appear = 9; { This routine is now listed in a menu }
trn_Disappear = 10; { This routine is no longer listed in a menu }
trn_Load = 11; { Pre-load any resources you might need }
trn_About = 12; { Provide "About this translator" information }
trn_GetSettings=13; { Get default information about the translator }
trn_SetSettings=14; { Set default information about the translator }
{* translator status bits *}
trnActive = $0001; { item is checked }
trnGray = $0002; { item is grayed-out }
trnBold = $0010; { item is bold }
trnItalic = $0020; { item is italicized }
trnUnderline= $0040; { item is underlined }
trnOutline = $0080; { item is outlined }
trnShadow = $0100; { item is shadowed }
trnAbout = $0200; { About information is available for the item}
trnUser1 = $1000; { user bit 1 }
trnUser2 = $2000; { user bit 2 }
trnUser3 = $4000; { user bit 3 }
{* miscellaneous constants *}
maxdestnames = 15;
accept = noerr;
unAccept = 1;
trnCancel = 2;
{* File system op codes *}
FFGetVInfo = 1; FFSetVInfo = 2; FFFlushVol = 5;
FFOpen = 9; FFOpenRF = 10; FFLockRange = 11;
FFUnLockRange = 12; FFRead = 13; FFWrite = 14;
FFGetFPos = 15; FFSetFPos = 16; FFGetEOF = 17;
FFSetEOF = 18; FFAllocate = 19; FFAllocContig = 20;
FFFlushFile = 21; FFClose = 22; FFCreate = 23;
FFDirCreate = 24; FFDelete = 25; FFGetFInfo = 26;
FFSetFInfo = 27; FFSetFLock = 28; FFRstFLock = 29;
FFSetFVers = 30; FFRename = 31; FFGetCatInfo = 32;
FFSetCatInfo = 33; FFOpenWD = 35; FFCloseWD = 36;
FFGetWDInfo = 37; FFOKFName = 41; FFMakeFName = 47;
FFXGetCatInfo = 50; FFXSetCatInfo = 51;
foreignFS = '4NFS';
{* Extended CatInfo constants *}
mdos = 'mdos';
pdos = 'pdos';
{ProDOS access bits}
pdReadable = $01; { File may be read }
pdWritable = $02; { File may be written to }
pdChanged = $20; { File has changed since last backup }
pdRename = $40; { File may be renamed }
pdDestroy = $80; { File may be destroyed }
pdNormal = $C3; { A normal ProDOS file }
pdLocked = $01; { A locked ProDOS file }
{ProDOS storage types}
pdSeedling = $01; { File is a seedling, only one data block }
pdSapling = $02; { File is a sapling, 2 to 256 data blocks }
pdTree = $03; { File is a tree, 257 to 32768 data blocks }
pdSubDir = $0D; { File is a subdirectory }
{ProDOS version numbers}
ProDos1_0 = 0; { ProDOS 1.0 }
{MSDOS Attribute bits}
msReadOnly = $01; { File is read-only }
msHidden = $02; { File is hidden }
msSystem = $04; { File is a system file }
msVolume = $08; { Directory is the root }
msSubDir = $10; { File is a subdirectory }
msArchive = $20; { File has been written to and closed }
* constants for tprocs
tDstTooShort = -501;
cfMacintosh = 0;
cfASCIi = 1;
cfIBMPC = 2;
transInit = 0;
transDone = 1;
translotohi = 2;
transhitolo = 3;
trMultiDestFont = 1;
trMultiDestCountry = 2;
trNonOnetoOne = 4;
trOverStrike = 8;
namecnt : integer;
names : array[0..maxdestnames] of str255;
nameptr = ^nameRec;
namehdl = ^nameptr;
translateRec = RECORD
trnLogproc : procptr; { pointer to error log procedure }
trnstatproc : procptr; { pointer to status procedure }
trnfrID : integer; { resource ID of source FS }
trntoID : integer; { resource ID of dest FS }
trnfrData : ptr; { pointer to source FS global data }
trntoData : ptr; { pointer to dest FS global data }
trnResrv : integer; { used by InterFile }
trnfrVRef : integer; { volume ref of source }
trntoVRef : integer; { volume ref of dest }
trnfrPar : longint; { parent ID of source }
trntoPar : longint; { parent ID of dest }
trnnames : namehdl; { handle to names of source/dest files}
trnTested : boolean; { TRUE if you've already looked at this
file for recognition }
trnAccepted : boolean; {if TRNTESTED is true, this flag shows
whether you recognized the file }
trnCountry : integer; { country ID }
trnPtr = ^translateRec;
{* parameter blocks for extended CatInfo calls *}
XFSType = (Mac,ProDOS,MSDOS);
XCInfoPtr = ^XCInfoPBRec;
{ In the memo this was descrived as a pointer not a record }
CInfo: CInfoPBRec;
CASE xfs : XFSType OF
Mac :
(filler3 : longint);
ProDOS :
(auxtype : integer; { ProDOS auxilary file type }
access : signedbyte;{ read,write perm etc. }
storagetype : signedbyte;{ seedling,sapling, etc }
version : signedbyte;{ version ProDOS used }
minvers : signedbyte);{ earliest ProDOS version useable }
(attrib : signedbyte; { read,write, hidden, etc }
filler4 : signedbyte);
pdosHndl = ^pdosPtr;
pdosPtr = ^pdosRec;
pdosRec = RECORD
auxtype : integer;
access : signedbyte;
storagetype : signedbyte;
version : signedbyte;
minvers : signedbyte;
mdosHndl = ^mdosPtr;
mdosPtr = ^mdosRec;
mdosRec = RECORD
attrib : signedbyte;
filler3 : signedbyte;
tprcID : integer;
curCharFam : integer;
altCountry : integer;
altCharFam : integer;
tprf = RECORD
lastEntry : integer;
reserved : array[1..31] of integer;
tprocs : array[1..1000] of TPRCEntry;
tprfPtr = ^tprf;
tprfHndl = ^tprfPtr;
header = RECORD
branch : longint;
sig : resType;
resnum : integer;
versnum : integer;
vers : string[15];
flags : integer;
loCntry : integer;
loCFam : integer;
hiCntry : integer;
hiCFam : integer;
hdrrsrv : array[0..3] of longint;
hdrPtr = ^header;
hdrHndl = ^hdrPtr;
TransText = RECORD
trPtr : Ptr;
trLen : Longint;
trFont : integer;
verb : integer;
featureflags: integer;
result : OSErr;
newCntry : integer;
srcText : TransText;
dstText : TransText;
tpRsrv : array[0..3] of longint;
function CallFS(msg : integer; fsdata : ptr; pb :ptr;
async : boolean; fsroutine : handle) : OSErr;
INLINE $2057,$2050,$4E90;
procedure CallLog(str : str255; cr : boolean; Indent : boolean; Logproc : procptr);
INLINE $205F, $1F5F, $0001, $4E90;
procedure CallErrLog(str : str255; cr : boolean; Indent : boolean; Logproc : procptr);
INLINE $205F, $1F5F, $0001, $002F, $0080, $0001, $4E90;
function CallStat(statmsg : str255; statpct : integer; destfnum : integer;
statproc : procptr) : boolean;
INLINE $205F, $4E90;
function CallTProc(VAR params : TransPB; self : hdrHndl) : OSErr;
INLINE $2057,$2050,$4E90;